Beauteous sunset
Awesome spectacle
Splendor unsurpassed
Power overwhelming
Transcendent vision
Painful sunset
How dare you be so beautiful
When there is so much pain
In our mortal realm
And so little joy or hope
Painful beauty
You flash the painful
Mirror of truth at us
Your rosey fingers
Are accusing fingers
That point at the lack of beauty
In our self-seeking
Violent, suffering world
Painful sunset
You mock us
With your beauty true
Mock our glittering
Synthetic lives
Painful sunset
What right have you
To radiate with such beauty and delight
When humans daily endure
The famine of truth and beauty
Painful beauty
Go away ---
Leave us with our comfortable
Gray gloom
And our unquestioning
Unquesting murky skies
Lest the glorious prism
Of celestial color
Reveal to us
With painful truth
The prisons of our own minds
The dungeons of our own lives
No, stay
Painful beauty
We need your renewing image
Of life as it might be
If we could but fill our lives
With beauty such as yours
Stay and ever remind us
And give us hope
That we might yet
Open and expand our minds
With the prism of Truth and Beauty
And become Real
And become Beautiful
Like You
Beauteous sunset
By Sister Ioanna
St. Innocent Monastic Community,
Redford, MIFrom: DANCING in the PRESENCE, published by Firebird Videos, Audios & Books